
Give Your Users an Enjoyable Navigation Experience with The AccessiBe WordPress Plugin


If you wish to make a professional and thriving WordPress site, accessibility is vital for web design. The reason here isit needs to be accessible to everyone. Those people with some sort of disability will access your site differently from others. This is where business owners need to take on the onus to boost the accessibility of the site and make it compliant with global standards.

Web accessibility is not different from physical accessibility, and if you really want your site to be successful, you must ensure it reaches out to as many people as possible. This applies to every visitor, irrespective of their impairments and background. WordPress sites have the benefits of SEO and better functionality. However, you can boost the accessibility of your WordPress business site with an accessibe wordpress plugin that can be easily installed. It is an automatic plugin that will scan your site and ensure that it is fully compliant with the laws of the land. It makes adjustments to the content to enhance the site’s navigation and performance.

Users of screen readers believe that 60% of the content online has not changed. In fact, it has become even worse between the years 2019 to 2020 due to the absence of awareness, skills needed for web accessibility, and the need for more practical tools.

Knowing the potential requirements of your users

Web accessibility refers to the consideration of all your user’s potential requirements. Embracing better web practices largely helps you to enhance their user experience and establish your brand presence in the market. Suppose you wish to stay ignorant about the problems that revolve around web inaccessibility. In that case, you only widen the increasing gap between users with a disability and those who do not have one.

A legal mandate in some countries

Due to the above reason, some nations in the world regulate web accessibility legally. At the beginning of 2018, about 1,053 lawsuits pertaining to web accessibility were filed in federal court. This is a huge 23% hike than the number of cases that were recorded from the year before.

If you are ready to boost sales and the credibility of your business, it is imperative for you to place priority on web accessibility at the earliest. In order to assess whether your website meets the current standards of accessibility, you can resort to accessibility and compliance testing tools online for help. Good accessibility overlay companies ensure you get quick and easy solutions for boosting the accessibility of the site.

The accessibe wordpress plugin is convenient for every business owner to install on their site, no matter how big or small it is.The plugin is an automated one and checks our site for accessibility issues daily to ensure your users never face navigation issues every time they visit your site. This tool is considered a boon for small business owners who, in the past, used to spend a lot of money making their sites accessible and fully compliant to all their users.


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